Mexican Government suspends non-essential activities, requiring approvals to operate


The Mexican government has suspended non-essential activities from March 30 through April 30, 2020 and is beginning to require manufacturers prove why their activities are considered essential.

Essential businesses are currently defined as those with activities in:

  • Health and safety supplies and services

  • Public safety and services along with protection services

  • Government Social Programs

  • Conservation, Maintenance & Repair of Critical Infrastructure, (water, gas, oil, fuel, public transportation, hospitals, medical infrastructure, among others that could be listed in this category)

  • Fundamental sectors of the economy:

    • Financial, tax collection, distribution and sale of energy, gas and gas stations, generation and distribution of drinking water, food and non-alcoholic beverages industry, food markets,  supermarkets, self-service stores, grocery and prepared food sales; services passenger and cargo; agricultural, fishing and livestock production, agribusiness, chemical industry, cleaning products; hardware stores, courier services, guards in private security tasks; day-care centers and nurseries, asylums and stays for the elderly, shelters and care centers for women victims of violence, their daughters and sons; telecommunications and information media; private emergency services, burial and burial services, warehousing and supply chain services for cold essential supplies ; logistics (airports, ports and railways as well as activities whose suspension may have irreversible effects for its continuation (Steel, cement and glass production companies, as well as information technology services that guarantee the continuity of computer systems in the public, private and social sectors .)

  • Federal Automotive: Vehicle fleet maintenance services, supply of spare parts and related services [Updated April 8, 2020]

Impulse Response

Based on these definitions, Impulse will continue to operate as we support the supply chains of companies that are deemed essential. To support our case with the Mexican government, we will be begin asking our customers who are continuing to operate for official letters from their companies showing why they are an essential business according to the Mexican government.

Impulse 4.0

Impulse 4.0 empowers manufacturers and their suppliers to streamline inventories, reduce costs, and increase speed to market in Mexico, USA, Europe, and China.

Empowered VMI Supplier: Capital Bolt & Screw